​​​On entering the academy each student is placed in a mixed-ability tutor group, which is carefully constructed to take into consideration issues such as friendship patterns and backgrounds.

The tutor is the member of staff who will be in closest regular contact with your child.  The tutor sees your child daily and needs to be aware of any problem affecting attendance, behaviour, homework or progress.  Your child's tutor may contact you should problems arise.

Each year group has a Head of Year who has oversight of all students and works closely with your child's tutor.  They can be contacted at school if you have any queries or if problems arise.

Heads of Year are sometimes available to take telephone calls during the day.  However, the academy office will take messages throughout the day and pass information on to the Head of Year.

The Heads of Year are:

  • Ms R Keen (Year 7)
  • Ms P Doran (Year 7)
  • Mrs Z Watson (Year 8)
  • Mr K Smith (Year 8)
  • Miss E Pearson (Year 9)
  • Mr D Powell (Year 9)
  • Mrs R Begum (Year 10)
  • Mr R Livesey (Year 10)
  • Mrs M Hartley (Year 11)
  • Mrs J Wright (Year 11)

Working closely with the Heads of Year is Mrs B Robinson (Assistant Headteacher), Mr C Drews (Assistant Headteacher) and Mr P Wild (Pastoral Director of KS4) who are also available to speak to with respect to pastoral matters.  In addition, transition from Year 6 to Year 7 will be led by Mr Drews.

The Headteacher, Mr R McGinty, Deputy Headteacher, Mr C Williamson, and, Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ms B Robinson may also be contacted should the need arise.

If you wish to come into the academy to speak to a member of staff it is essential to telephone first to make an appointment.  If this is not possible, then every attempt will be made to organise an interview with a member of the senior staff, although this may involve a waiting period. Staff are not always available to provide instant feedback but we aim to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.

Students' Responsibilities and Discipline

It is our aim to produce a well-ordered, hard-working and caring community where students are valued as individuals and treated as young adults.

Senior Leaders are appointed each year and these students will be expected to share in the responsibilities associated with the day to day running of the school.

Students are elected to serve on our Respect, Responsibility and Resilience team.

The Aim of Our Academy Teams is:

  • To provide a method of encouraging students, irrespective of their gender, ability, background, or ethnicity to become actively involved in decisions about their own learning and empowering them with appropriate ways to do so.
  • To ensure that the learners themselves are involved in decisions about how, what and when they learn and the type of environment in which this occurs.
  • To ensure an effect student voice on important issues such as the environment, behaviour and student welfare.

Student Behaviour

We expect high standards of behaviour from all students and we try very hard to make sure that discipline is based on firmness and fairness.  Good behaviour, work and attendance are rewarded through the School Referral System, and a variety of school rewards.  This aims to recognise and reward those students who have a positive attitude to learning.  Students who fail to follow the requirements of the Code of Conduct will be challenged and sanctions will be used to help address the issues.  We expect your support for school sanctions because we know that by working together we are able to achieve the best for your child.

When it is decided that a detention is appropriate, parents/carers will usually be given notice in advance that their child is being detained.  It is the students' responsibility to inform you of their detention as it is not possible to telephone every parent/carer.  All parents/carers should be aware that the academy has a strict policy concerning after school detentions.  If it is necessary to detain students after school, parents/carers should note that these sessions are COMPULSORY and play an integral part of school discipline.

Finally, we will not tolerate bullying, violence, threats of violence, bad language, insolence or abuse.  Any of these could lead to a student being isolated, internally excluded in school or further more serious sanctions.


Absence from school for part or all of a day can be permitted only for personal illness or a medical appointment.  We would encourage parents/carers to avoid arranging medical and similar appointments during school hours.

Full attendance is required at all lessons and students will be expected to copy up any work that is missed.  To ensure that the academy can fulfil its role in the education of all students, parents/carers are asked to contact school by telephone or a note on the first day of any absence.

The student on their RETURN to school MUST bring in a note giving reasons for and the exact dates of the absence.  In all cases the full absence must be covered by a note, which should be given to the tutor.  It is the parent's/carer's responsibility to inform the school of any absence.  The academy also operates a computerised telephone system that automatically contacts parents/carers if students are absent from school.

An appointment card or letter must be produced beforehand to cover dental or medical treatment.  The student will then be marked present if they return to school within that session.  Where a lengthy absence is involved (e.g. hospital treatment), please contact the Head of Year to ask for appropriate work to be set as soon as the student is well enough.  In certain cases it is possible for home tuition to be arranged.

If students need to leave school during the course of the normal school day, they are required to collect a permission slip from their Head of Year.  A truancy collection system is operated by GM Police and student without authorisation could be detained.

Law now requires schools to record all absences.  Any period of absence not supported by a letter will be considered unauthorised (i.e. truancy).  Truancy is dealt with seriously.  The Education Welfare Officer can call on the home to assess the problem and/or issue a warning.  Parents/carers may be asked to appear before a committee to explain the reason for the truancy, a penalty notice may be issued or, in extreme cases, a fine or a court summons may be issued.

We would also like to remind parents/carers that the law with respect to family holidays during term time has changed.  Family holidays will, therefore, not be routinely authorised.  All holidays taken during term time have to be recorded as an absence and will affect your child's overall attendance record.

In summary:

  • Family holidays in term time will not be authorised, unless there are exceptional circumstances in the Headteacher's judgement.
  • Unauthorised absences (including unauthorised absence due to family holidays) can incur fines such as Penalty Notices or other action.


We feel that punctuality is essential for three reasons:

  • No student can afford to miss any part of lessons, as this does not help their understanding of a subject.
  • A student entering lessons late could disrupt the learning of others.
  • Punctuality records are always requested on references.

Students arriving at school after the 8:40am bell will be kept until Period 1.  In addition, they will be detained for 1 hour after school on the same day  (you will be notified by text).  Students arriving ​after 9:00am must sign in at Student Reception.  In addition, they will also attend a one-hour after school detention.  Persistent lateness may lead to further more serious sanctions.

Students Leaving During the Day

Under no circumstances may a student leave the academy without the permission of a senior member of staff such as:

  • Mr R McGinty, Mr C Williamson, Mrs R Robinson, Mr P Wild or the appropriate Head of Year.

In every case the student must 'sign out' electronically at Student Reception and show the note from the member of staff who has given permission.  When they return to school they need to 'sign in' at the Student Reception so that the students who are present in the academy can be accounted for in an emergency.