Everyone Excels Everyday
As an academy, we work hard to ensure that our students achieve grades that reflect their potential. In 2024 our students excelled, achieving outstanding results across a breadth of subjects.
We are exceptionally proud of our students for placing themselves as the number one school in Rochdale for the following:
- Percentage of students with a Grade 4 or higher in both Maths and English.
- Percentage of students who achieved 5 or more qualifications at Grade 4 or higher (including Maths and English).
- Percentage of students who achieve 2 GCSEs at Grade 4 or higher in Science.
As well as locally our students have achieved significantly above the national average in all key areas:
- Percentage of students with a grade 4 or higher both GCSE English and GCSE maths: 73% which is significantly above the national average (67%).
- Percentage of students with a grade 4 or higher in GCSE English: 82% which is significantly above the national average (76%).
- Percentage of students with a grade 4 or higher in GCSE Maths: 75% which is significantly above the national average (72%).
- Percentage of students with a grade 4 or higher in 5 or more qualifications, including Maths and English: 66% which is significantly above the national average (61%)
- Percentage of students with 2 GCSEs at a grade 4 or higher in Science: 69% which is significantly above the national average (65%)
We are immensely proud of everything our Year 11s have achieved and look forward to seeing what our new Year 11s can accomplish this year.